Week after week you see the money in your bank account going down and down. You are spending a lot of money on your date, you are having a good time, you are getting some action. Everything seem great doesn't it? It all seems great until you realize that you will have to get a second job just to afford the dates. You are enjoying yourself and you don't want the dates to end. What do you do? Is she a whore or a nice girl? That sounds blunt, but it is something you need to ask yourself. While she might not be a whore on the corner, you very well might be paying money for sex. Men do this all the time and don't realize it. Pay attention to the times you get laid. Do you mostly get laid after you spend a lot of money on her? If the answer is yes, then chances are you are paying for sex and not knowing it.
Ask her about her ex's. What kind of jobs they had. If her last few ex's had high paying jobs, chances are she is a gold digger. She doesn't want you, she doesn't like your company, all she likes is your wallet.
I often find that older men get trapped into this. They are searching for a young lady to make them forget they are old. Chances are that at their age, they have built up a nice savings and have a good job. This is pay dirt for the gold digger.
If a woman senses that you are very lonely, she might also try to gold dig. They know that you will do almost anything to be with her. Really, you are paying for the sex. That is all that you doing. That, and you are paying for someone to lie to you.
This might sound like an odd suggestion, but hear me out. If you read closely, it will all make sense.
Have you ever thought about visiting an escort. Now, pick up your jaw and give me a few seconds to explain myself. I know that going to these 'working girls' is against everything that your mother taught you.
You are paying for the sex any ways. What is the difference really? Do you think that because one calls themselves a whore and another one is lying to you, makes that much of a difference?
I know what you are thinking. 'There are too many STDs out there'. You are right there is. There is also a risk of getting something even if you use a condom. This is also true for having sex with your gold digging friend. There is no way around it.
There are many types of sex that you can do with an escort that is almost risk free. Here are some suggests for types of sex acts that you can do.
Oral sex. We all love oral sex. If you wear a condom, this is almost risk free. Have her suck it twice, you will be glad you did!
Masturbation. It is almost impossible for you to get an STD with the escort masturbating you. Enjoy it. There are some great ways that she can spice this up so it feels good as gold. She can cuddle your testicles with one hand while she jerks away with the other hand. Just think of the stuff you like to do, when she does it, it will feel much better.
In the long run you will be saving money if you go to an escort. Often times the very good looking ones cost at least 100 an hour. If you think about it, even getting laid two times a week, you are still saving money.
The escort won't ask you to pay her 400 dollar phone bill. She won't ask you for money to fix her car. It is purely sex for money. That is it. You don't have to call her in the morning to tell her how special it was for you!
All in all, be thrifty with your money. If you are paying for sex, get the most bang for your buck.
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