Friday, April 13, 2007

Paranoid (Cheating)

Have you ever cheated on your woman? Many men have, but few will admit to it. Sometimes I think this is the worst thing a person can do to another. I'm sure that you could argue that killing someone is worse, but when you cheat, you are killing them emotionally. A person who has went through such an experience, never comes back the same. I really do think that being cheated on, changes a person. Women view cheating on many levels. Some are quick to jump the gun while other women are more thoughtful when it comes to it. In this article, we will discuss what a woman views as cheating.

Most women view having sex with another woman as cheating. This should be common sense. Though, I have heard many times where a man will claim that he didn't know it was cheating. He will make up some lame ass excuse about how he thought the relationship was on the rocks.

Having sex with someone and cheating on your woman is plain wrong. Think of it from this perspective. If you catch a disease and come home and sleep with her, then you will give it to her. Your 'fun' with your mistress might be great, but your woman has nothing to do with it. By risking her health, you are doing something worse than cheating, you could end up killing her.

If you aren't getting any sex in a relationship or it has turned south, you need to get out of it. You have no right to expose someone else to diseases. It is your responsibility to do something about it. You are an adult now, you need to do things on your own.

Some women view kissing as cheating as well. In my mind, it is cheating. I'm not sure how someone can justify getting aroused enough by someone to kiss them and not think they are cheating.

If aunt Betsy comes over from Alaska and she kisses you on the cheek because she hasn't seen you for a long time, that isn't cheating. Of course if it is a relative or close friend, then its not cheating. If it is out of lust it is. Chances are, kissing will only lead to other things.

If you are kissing another woman, it brings up a lot of questions. It would sound to me that you aren't in the stage that you are having sex with this woman, but it is coming soon. Most men aren't able to kiss a woman without having sexual thoughts.

The same questions apply in my mind as if you were having sex with someone else. There must be some aspect of the current relationship you are in that is lacking or you wouldn't be doing such things. It is better to fix these problems than it is to run away from them. All you will be doing is ensuring that nothing positive happens.

I know that it might be hard to believe, but some women believe that if you are just friends with a woman, then you must be cheating. To some women this is cheating, thought I think this is going a little too far.

Women feel that if you are confiding in another woman, then that is cheating. If you are telling her things that you would have told your girlfriend, you are cheating. They think that you should pour your heart and soul into them instead of this other woman. They might be right to a certain degree, but this isn't cheating. You should be able to go to your girlfriend and talk to them about anything and everything, but there are things you can't talk about to her. Try talking to her about how bitchy she is during her period, you will soon find out that you can't talk about anything and everything.

Some women will always think their men are cheating. Regardless how you try to prove yourself, they will always be lurking around the corner trying to catch you in the act. I have known several women like this. I have even known one man like this. I worked with his wife in a small office. She told him that we were talking every day at lunch and he flipped out. He accused us of having sex together. That is a bit extreme, but people do react this way.

I would suggest that if your woman constantly thinks you are cheating, you need to talk to her about it. Some people do act in suspicious manners, while some women have this fixation that all men are scum of the earth. You need to decide which camp she is in.

Some women constantly nag and bitch that you are cheating on them when you aren't. I think sometimes this is because they were cheated on in the past and are afraid that it will happen to them again. Other times, I think they are paranoid and have emotional problems.

Needless to say, regardless of why she thinks this, there is a problem. If in fact you are cheating on her, you already know what the problem is. But, if she is fixed on the idea that you are cheating and it is ruining your life, you need to get out. This is one of the worst forms of harassment there is. There is no need for you to have to put up with this sort of thing. This is the type of thing in a relationship that will drive a man to kill himself or to drink.

If you are cheating, cut off your penis. You are a worthless bastard who only thinks of yourself. If you aren't cheating and she always complains that you are, find out why she feels this way. If she is just paranoid, dump her. Life is too short for her games.

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